About Me

Hi there, I’m Keren.
A wife, mommy, blogger and freelance writer.
Please hop in and let’s savour the ride.
Amidst the palpable joy of soaking in the drool, the love and joy my babies have brought me, there are times I have felt exhausted, frustrated, and downright incapable.
Constantly feeling like I am groping in the dark. Hoping and waiting for Eureka moments.
Then there is the overwhelming sense of responsibility that engulfs me as I peer into their eyes. As I hear my toddler shout MOMMMMYYYY!!!!!.
It is not lost on me that God has entrusted me with the lives of my children.
And it is such moments of sheer doubt and exhaustion that have birthed in me new insights, virtues, and unassailable strength.
I compare my parenting journey to a spring of water that gushes through the cracks and tunnels on the earth’s surface due to pressure beneath.
Every tough parenting moment has been the push that my spring needed to burst forth. And with the spring I have overflowed with refreshment.
Parenting Spring aspires to be the blissful space where parents can regroup and be revitalized. Here you will find real and practical tips to help you ace your parenting journey.
Also, nobody will judge you here. That’s a promise.
I welcome you to be part of this space. But don’t just come, please bring your own spring and let’s revel in an avalanche of freshwaters.
Some Random Deets About Me:

- I am a born-again Christian.
- I am married to a fine gentleman. And he is hilarious. Seven years later he still gives me belly laughs.
- I am a mother to two yummy girls. I know the yummy part because I never get enough biting their chubby cheeks.
- I am a freelance writer, a career I took on after having my firstborn. I previously worked in the bank.
- I love babies. Babies make me mellow and all mushy. I could stare at them hours on end.
- Some people consider me a health freak. I love to steer clear of greasy and calorie-packed food.
- And I love green smoothies. They are the future.
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