
Obedience or Chastening- Which Do You Choose?

Obedience or Chastening- Which Do You Choose?

It was a sunny afternoon in high school and our business teacher was teaching her heart out. I on the other hand was trailing off, my eyes giving in to the allure of a siesta. I knew she loathed seeing us nod off in her class. She perpetually made it...
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How to Unspoil Your Child – All Is Not Lost

How to Unspoil Your Child – All Is Not Lost

It happens to the best of us. We bear kids and our life’s priorities flip around. We spend every waking moment figuring out ways of enthusing our tots, dancing to their tune. We buy them countless toys, video games, designer clothes, and whatnot.  “My kids will have the best childhood...
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7 Innocent Parenting Mistakes That Have Far Reaching Effects

7 Innocent Parenting Mistakes That Have Far Reaching Effects

We all throw our hats into the parenting ring oozing with great intentions. We roll our sleeves and vow to raise phenomenal kids. Responsible members of society. Salt of the earth kids. But we soon realize that parenting is a maze. The twist and turns spring up unexpectedly. Parenting changes...
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How to Be a Calm Parent Even When Your Kids Make Your Blood Boil

How to Be a Calm Parent Even When Your Kids Make Your Blood Boil

The guilt starts gnawing at me at night as I sip my chamomile tea after tucking my two girls to bed. It starts as a gentle nudge and builds up into a roaring river, sweeping away my peace in its wake. Maybe it’s the way my daughters\' quip “goodnight mom,...
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5 Common Parenting Regrets That We Can Learn From
General Stuff Parenting

5 Common Parenting Regrets That We Can Learn From

I called my mom the other day and shot a dicey question at her.  “What do you and dad regret most about how you raised us?” She let out a soft cackle (mom always laughs when about to shrug off a topic). After a few minutes of coaxing, she let...
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Why You Need to Tweak Your Parenting Style if You Have a Highly Sensitive Child: 7 Practical Suggestions

Why You Need to Tweak Your Parenting Style if You Have a Highly Sensitive Child: 7 Practical Suggestions

Maybe you have a strong hunch like I do that you are raising a highly sensitive child. If children were cute little packages that we order and have delivered at our doorsteps, yours would be handed down flashing the warning ‘Fragile; Handle with care’. Maybe your heart breaks like mine...
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How to Work From Home With Kids: 5 Tips to Keep You Productive

How to Work From Home With Kids: 5 Tips to Keep You Productive

I dipped my feet into the warm dreamy waters of working from home after ditching my day job four years ago. I envisioned a cozy life, blissful even. The plan was to achieve my career goals while savoring my kids’ milestones and giggles. I felt like a cute little ice...
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Are You Overzealous in Disciplining Your Kids? If You Are Guilty of These 5 Things Then You Probably Are.

Are You Overzealous in Disciplining Your Kids? If You Are Guilty of These 5 Things Then You Probably Are.

I grew up grateful that my parents were not excessively strict with us. They let some of our mistakes slide. Mom, for instance, didn\'t always crack the whip when my sisters and I forgot the boiling milk on the fire till the raging flames had obliterated the last drop. With...
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How to Deal with Sibling Rivalry: 7 Practical Tips for Bewildered Parents

How to Deal with Sibling Rivalry: 7 Practical Tips for Bewildered Parents

The speed at which my kids flip from being best friends to rivals is dizzying. One moment they are cuddled up in a hug with my preschooler declaring her endless love for her younger sister. The next moment they are in a fierce tussle over a toy. Never mind that...
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How to Raise Confident Kids: 7 Sure-Fire Tips to Get You Started

How to Raise Confident Kids: 7 Sure-Fire Tips to Get You Started

As is our confidence, so is our capacity - William Hazlitt. My jaw drops every time I stumble upon a child dripping confidence. Childish innocence wrapped in confidence is nothing short of surreal. I would love the confidence bug to gnaw on my kids in their tender years. In my...
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While Men Were Sleeping

While Men Were Sleeping

It was a normal slow evening in my parent’s house. We had our usual chit-chat during dinner and prayed together as a family. As if on cue, we then dragged our knackered bodies to bed. Before long, the house was still. Those who snored were slowly gaining momentum. Those who...
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8 Habits of Highly Effective Parents

8 Habits of Highly Effective Parents

I spend a lot of time hurling life-saving instructions at my daughter. “Please climb down, don’t touch that, stop poking your sister\'s eyes, don’t put that in your ear, be still child!’’ get the drift. It’s (mostly) exasperating.
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Practical Tips for Parenting in the Digital Era

Practical Tips for Parenting in the Digital Era

Like a ferocious whirlwind, technology is rapidly evolving, leaving a trail of change in its wake. It often feels like we are panting for breath in our clamour to keep up with the mind-blowing advancements.  Think for a moment if our forefathers made a comeback. I suppose they would cry...
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5 Ways God Speaks to Me Through My Daughter
Christianity Parenting

5 Ways God Speaks to Me Through My Daughter

My kids have completely overhauled my life. It looks like they took an eyeful of my life’s priorities and had a long belly laugh. They then made it their mission to sift through the list, weeding out the baggage and all vanity, leaving only the things that really matter. Thank...
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How to Discipline Your Kids: Age Appropriate Strategies That Actually Work

How to Discipline Your Kids: Age Appropriate Strategies That Actually Work

We all want to raise our kids right. Don\'t we all desire decent kids that will make our hearts swell with pride because of their propriety? Kids that say ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ without being pressed? That is why we need practical discipline strategies when our children are still in...
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What Does It Really Mean to Be Your Husbands Helper? 5 Practical Ways

What Does It Really Mean to Be Your Husbands Helper? 5 Practical Ways

I grew up watching the robust sermons of the late Dr. Myles Munroe. In my teen years, I would have preferred to watch the movies and TV series of the day. But my dad would have none of that. Not in his house. So when my siblings and I would...
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A Baby Changes Everything: 7 Ways My Life Changed After Having Children

A Baby Changes Everything: 7 Ways My Life Changed After Having Children

Growing up, my sisters and I loved to round up in the kitchen and sing our voices hoarse. The Christmas season was particularly special. It was the peak for our kitchen choir. We had so many songs to sing, often spoilt for choice. One of our favorite songs was ‘A...
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